Water track – 26 June

Session 1
Developments in Digitalisation
Session keynote: Jaume Alba, IDRICA, Digital Software platforms for Advanced Control of Industrial Spills in Sewerage Networks Access
Ratul Das, ACWA, Post-treatment Optimization Algorithm For Large-Scale Desalination Assets Access
Zhiguo Yuan, City University of Hong Kong, Data-Enabled Estimation Method Using Simple Digital Monitoring Sensors: Analysis Sewer Inflow And Infiltration Access

Coffee break (30 min)

Session keynote: Heiko Althoff, EG/LV, Successful digitalization approaches for system operators Access
Patricia Gómez-Martínez, Cana de Isabel II, Innovative Tools To Control Organic Matter And Disinfection Byproducts “HE IntoDBP”. The Case Study Of Madrid. Access
Nils Zickermann, Vitens NL, AMANZI: A Parametric Framework For Designing And Modelling Drinking Water Treatment Plants Access

Poster pitches
Wolfgang Uhl, COWI, Resource-efficient Digital Optimization Of Dual Media Filtration In Drinking Water Treatment Access
Isma Lebbe and Mohamed Sabri, Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau, Water Horizons: An Comprehensive Review Of Smart Water Systems For Global Sustainability Access
Pol Vidal Lamolla, Lequia UdG- Aigues de Barcelona, Improving Customer Segmentation For Decision Support Systems In Urban Water Supply Access

Session 3
Membranes, Hybrid Systems and New Materials
Session keynote: Eric Hoek, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, Development of membrane based brine concentration, crystallization, and valorization Access
Alexander Mitranescu, Technical University of Munich, Harnessing Hydrodynamic Effects Of Assemblies Of Surface-patterned Membranes And Feed Spacers To Reduce RO And NF Membrane Fouling: A Numerical Investigation Access
Gilda Carvalho, University of Queensland, Combined Nanofiltration And Electrochemical Process For PFAS Removal And Destruction From Contaminated Water Access

Coffee break (30 min)

Session keynote: Gilbert Galjaard, Ramboll, Understanding the emerging role of flat sheet membranes Access
Olga Ferrer, ACCIONA, Assessment Of Submerged Ultrafiltration Ceramic Membranes As SWRO Pre-treatment Under Challenging Conditions Access
Na You, NUS, Investigation on the catalytic performance of ferromanganese oxide-functionalized ceramic membrane (MFOx@CCM) as a nano-reactor (NR) in ozonation process Access
Poster pitches
Gabriela Scheibel Cassol, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Membrane Optimization And Waste Heat Recovery For Highly Efficient Green Hydrogen Generation From Seawater Via Integrated Alkaline Electrolysis Access

Water track – 27 June
Session 5
Advancements in Desalination
Session keynote: Olga Ferrer, ACCIONA, LIFE INDESAL: Improving Sustainability Of Seawater Desalination With An Integrated Process For Water, Energy, And Resource Production Access
Mike Boyd, Veolia, Advanced and Minimum Liquid Discharge (MLD) Reverse Osmosis Technologies Access
Leilli Abkar, University of British Columbia, Optimising Specific Energy Consumption In Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (BWRO) Desalination Systems Access

Coffee break (30 min)

Session keynote: Paul Bujis, 1st: water, The Roadmap to Desalination Cost Reduction Access
Maharishi Patel, University of Duisburg, Does Combination Of Surface-Patterned Thin-Film Composite Membrane And Feed Spacer Improve Anti-Scaling Propensity? Access
Alla Alpatova, KAUST, Effective Utilization of CO2 Gas in Membrane Filtration Access
Poster pitches
Bokjin Lee, KICT, Evaluation Of TDS Removal Performance Of Pilot-Scale Membrane Capacitive Deionization System Access
Chanseog Oh, KICT, Study On TDS Removal Using Pilot-scale Membrane Capacitive Deionization(MCDI) With Circulation Process Access

Session 7
Session keynote: Vera Kohlgrueber, University of Stuttgart, Implementation Of Targeted Micropollutant Removal On Municipal WWTPs In Baden-Wurrtemberg – A Look Back At Years Of Success And A Promising Outlook For The Future Access
Christa Morgenschweis, Waternet, Combined Removal Of Micropollutants And Nutrients From Municipal Wastewater In The Netherlands Access
Elin Lavonen, BioCell Analytica Uppsala AB, Effect-based Analyses — A Novel Strategy To Assess Removal Of Micro-contaminants By Water Treatment Access

Coffee break (30 min)

Session keynote: Sema Karakurt-Fischer, Eawag, Elucidating and Fostering the role of Biotransformation in the Abatement of Micropollutants Access
Alexander Sperlich, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Removing Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) From Groundwater With High Concentrations Of Natural Organic Matter Access
Marta Carballa, University of Santiago de Compostela, Fate of pharmaceuticals and antibiotic resistance genes in high-rate activated sludge systems Access
Poster pitches
Philipp Sperle, Xylem Services GmbH, Photolytic Ozonation As Promising Alternative AOP Using UV-LEDs Access
Anna Segues Codina, Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), Manganese Oxide Functionalised Graphene Sponges For The Electrochemical Water Treatment And Disinfection Access
Veronika Zhiteneva, Berlin Centre of Competence for Water, Risk-based Human Exposure Assessment Of Chemicals In The Circular Economy Access

Wastewater track – 26 June
Session 2
Carbon and energy neutrality and greenhouse gas emissions
Session keynote: Eberhard Morgenroth, ETH Zurich, Off-gas monitoring – key towards net-zero in wastewater treatment plants Access
Oriol Carbó Monmany, LEQUIA, Stable and controlled mainstream HRAS, partial nitritation AGS and anammox for a suitable effluent quality Access
Maria Valtari, Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY, Demonstrating N2O Mitigation In Two Advanced Full-scale WWTPs Access

Coffee break (30 min)

Session keynote: April Gu, Cornell University, Pathways Towards Decarbonation and A Net-zero-carbon Water Sector Access
Konrad Koch, Technical University of Munich, Ex-situ Biomethanation As An Energy Buffer At WWTPs: Experiences From 450 Days Of Operation At Pilot-scale Access
Kristoffer Ooms, FiW eV- RWTH Aachen University, Enhanced Sector Coupling Of Wastewater, Energy And Transportation Through Power-to-Methanol – A Case Study For The WWTP Bottrop Access

Poster pitches
Vanessa Parravicini, TU Wien, A One-stage Biological Scrubber As Key Technology In A Novel comprehensive Concept To Reduce Nitrous Oxide Emissions In Wastewater Treatment Plants Access
Maria Piculell, Veolia Water Technologies- AnoxKaldes, High Biomethane Potential In Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Sludge – The Route To Energy Neutrality Access
Michelle Young, Carollo Engineers, Making The Change To Low DO: Practical Guidance For Suboxic (Low DO) Biological Nutrient Removal Based On Full-Scale Operations Access

Session 4
Resource Recovery and Sludge Treatment
Session keynote: Frank Rogalla, FCC Aqualia S.A., The rainbow of resource recovery: the black, the white, the red, the brown – the purple and yellow Access
Bart Saerens, Aquafin, Creating A Positive Business Case Around Nitrogen Recovery From Digested Sludge Centrate Access
Vincenzo Pelagalli, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Mordenite And HZSM-5 Zeolites Employment In The Catalytic Pyrolysis Of Municipal Sewage Sludge Towards The In-situ H2S Removal From Syngas Access

Coffee break (30 min)

Session keynote: Regina Gnirss, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Wastewater Heat Recovery In Berlin – Strategic Approach To Exploit Potential Access
Phillip Wilfert, TU Delft, Recovery of valuable biopolymers from sewage sludge- A European case study Access
Ashish Sahu, Cambi Group AS, Achieving Asset Optimisation And Higher Biomethane Yields With Thermal Hydrolysis Access
Poster pitches
Simi Reuna, Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY, Recovery Of Metal Phosphates From The Tertiary Treatment Of Wastewater Access
Christoph Kormann, Aqua and Waste International GmbH, Simple, Cost-effective And Efficient Desulphurisation Of Digester Gas By Micro-aeration Access
Amanda Vierwind, Sweco NL B.V, Valorisation Of Carbon Into Biopolymers: A Feasibility Study Of Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Production From Activated Sludge Access

Wastewater track – 27 June
Session 6
Innovative processes
Session keynote: Christoph Donner, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Novel Approaches for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Berlin Access
Elin Ossiansson, VA SYD/Chalmers, Enhanced Biological Removal Of Nitrogen And Phosphorus In A Continuous Biofilm Process With Bio-based Carriers Access
Miriam Tena, FCC Aqualia S.A, Demonstrative 100% Solar-powered Anaerobic Photobiorefinery Based On Purple Phototrophic Bacteria Access

Coffee break (30 min)

Session keynote: Arne Wieland, Xylem Services GmbH, 15 Years Of Ozonation For Micropollutants Removal In Europe- A Review Access
Grit Hoffmann, University Duisburg-Essen Dept. Water Technology, Optimisation And Monitoring Of Hybrid Coagulation-PAC-UF Processes For The Elimination Of Micropollutants In Advanced Wastewater Treatment Access
Charlotte Bopp, VEOLIA, A Winner For The Treatment Of Micropollutants At Quaternary Stage In Wastewater: The Combination Of Ozone And Granular Activated Carbon Access
Poster pitches
Jürgen Heinrichmeier, University Duisburg-Essen Dept. Water Technology, A Simple Bioelectrochemical Approach For Ammonia Recovery From Municipal Wastewater Respectively Anaerobic Sludge Liquor Access
Jaap Vogelaar, Paques Technology B.V, BIOPAQ RISE Introduces Innovative External Separators For High Rate Anaerobic Waste Water Treatment Access
Maximilian Werner, University Duisburg-Essen , Impact Of A Hybrid MBR Process On Downstream Ozonation To Further Purify Wastewater Access

Session 8
Closing the Water Cycle
Session keynote: Krishna R Pagilla, University of Nevada, Reno, Advancing Reclaimed Water for Potable Reuse – Technical and Non-technical Strategies for Successful Implementation Access
Christoph Donner, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Semi-closed urban water cycle in Berlin- Treatment Options to remove organic micropollutants Access
Jonas Aniol, Technical University of Munich, Employing Rapid Infiltration Trench Technology To Establish Stable Redox Conditions In A Heterogenous Aquifer For Drinking Water Production Access

Coffee break (30 min)

Session keynote: Thomas Wintgens, RWTH Aachen University, Closing Loops in the Water Cycle – Advances in Treatment and Recovery Technologies Access
Katharina Fesch, DVGW- Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW), Assessment Of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) To Increase Groundwater Availability In Lima – Peru Access
Javad Ahmadi, Technical University of Munich, Ensuring proper removal of viruses and mobile genetic elements during water reclamation employing ceramic ultrafiltration combined with pre-ozonation and coagulation Access
Poster pitches
Achim Reid, Xylem, Ozonation And UV Disinfection: Utilizing Synergies Between Micropollutant Removal And Water Reuse Access
Veronika Zhiteneva, Berlin Centre of Competence for Water, Practical Experience With Online E. Coli Measurement To Derive Training Data Set For Microbial Water Quality Model Access
Eva Reynaert, Eawag and ETH Zurich, Combining Online Sensors With Process Understanding For Safe On-site Water Reuse Access

Poster presentations

SESSION 1: Developments in Digitalisation
P1.1: Resource-efficient Digital Optimization Of Dual Media Filtration In Drinking Water Treatment by Wolfgang Uhl, Norway Access
P1.2: Water Horizons: A Comprehensive Review Of Smart Water Systems For Global Sustainability by Mohamed Sabri and Isma Lebbe, Sri Lanka Access
P1.3: Improving Customer Segmentation For Decision Support Systems In Urban Water Supply by Pol Vidal Lamolla, Spain Access

SESSION 2: Carbon and Energy Neutrality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
P2.1: Greenhouse Gas Balance For Wastewater Treatment Plants ‘with Just A Few Clicks’ – A Digital Approach For Facilitating Climate Reporting And Mitigation Options In The Wastewater Sector by  Aennes Abbas, Arne Freyschmidt, Maike Beier, Malte Thormann, Tobias Morck, Jürgen Schmidtke Access
P2.2: The Outlook Of Mainstream Anammox In A Temperate Climate: Effluent Quality Or Energy Neutrality? by Mohammad Azari, Germany Access
P2.3: Improving The Forecast Of The New Control Target Parameter “N2O Emission” By Combining Deterministic Modeling And Neural Networks by Arne Freyschmidt, Germany Access
P2.4: Re-use Of Hot CO2 From Combustion Gases In A Bubble Column Evaporator (BCE) For Water Sterilisation And Desalination by Adrian Garrido Sanchis, Australia Access
P2.5: Climate Change Adaptation Measures For Water Supply In Jeju Province South Korea by Jinkeun Kim, Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Access
P2.6: Revisiting Off-gas Hood Designs. Inflatable Lightweight Self-Ballasting Hoods For Emissions Monitoring At WRRFs by Sam Reifsnyder, United States Access
P2.7: Influence Of Aeration And Filling Regime On Nitrous Oxide Emissions In Domestic Wastewater Treatment Using Granular Sludge by Bruna Scandolara Magnus, Brazil Access
P2.8: Statistical Patterns In Methane Emissions From A Large Wastewater Treatment Plant by Zachary Thompson, United Kingdom Access
P2.9: Sludge-derived Hydrochar As Cathode Catalyst For Enhanced CO2 Bio-reduction In Microbial Electrosynthesis by Lakshmi Pathi Thulluru, India Access
P2.10: Electromethanogenesis System For Delocalized Energy Storage In A Brewery by Maria Vega, Spain Access
P2.11: Use Of The Co-Products Oxygen And Heat From Water Electrolysis On Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants In Germany by Johanna Walther, Germany Access
P2.12: Sustainable Renewable Biogas Production from Co-Digestion of High Ammonia Tolerant Algae Biomass by Andrew Ward, Australia Access
P2.13: Carbon Footprints Analysis from Operations Of Three Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants In Sweden by Jingjing Yang, Sweden Access
P2.14: A One-stage Biological Scrubber As Key Technology In A Novel Comprehensive Concept To Reduce Nitrous Oxide Emissions In Wastewater Treatment Plants by Vanessa Parravicini, Austria Access
P2.15: High Biomethane Potential In Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Sludge – The Route To Energy Neutrality by Maria Piculell, Sweden Access
P2.16: Making The Change To Low DO: Practical Guidance For Suboxic (Low DO) Biological Nutrient Removal Based On Full-Scale Operations by Michelle Young, USA Access
P2.17: Carbon Negative Wastewater Treatment For Agricultural Reuse In Menofeia, Egypt by Paul Johnson, USA Access
P2.18 Achieving Efficient Nitrite Accumulation In Partial Denitrification System: Insight Of Mixing Conditions Access
P2.19 Monitoring And Control Of Nitrous Oxide Emissions From WRRFs Using An AI|ML-based Advanced Process Control by Jose Porro, USA Access

SESSION 3: Membranes, Hybrid Systems and New Materials
P3.1: Recycling of Wastewater from The Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant – Which Recycling Technology Can We Rely On? by Alexandra Kukučková, Czech Republic Access
P3.2: Dealing with Water Scarcity And Elevated Energy Tariffs In Full Scale Inland Desalination by Patricia Reide, Germany Access
P3.3: Membrane Optimization And Waste Heat Recovery For Highly Efficient Green Hydrogen Generation From Seawater Via Integrated Alkaline Electrolysis by Gabriela Scheibel Cassol, Hong Kong, China, SAR Access
P3.4: Comparative Analysis Of PES And PVDF Membranes In conventional MBR And Combined PAC/UF Process: A Study on Flux Performance And Air Scouring Rates by Alexander Merz, Germany Access

SESSION 4: Resource Recovery and Sludge Treatment
P4.1: Novel Polyethersulfone Membranes Incorporated With Carrageenan For Wastewater Treatment by Saeed Al Marri, Qatar Access
P4.2: Comprehensive Advanced Primary Treatment Study Contributing To Enhanced Energy And By-Products Recovery In Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants by Behnam Askari Lasaki, Germany Access
P4.3: Applicability of Ion Exchange System Coupled With Primary Sedimentation Tank For Ammonium Recovery In Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants by Behnam Askari Lasaki, Germany Access
P4.4: Aqua2N: Turning Critical Ammonia Streams Into A Climate Friendly Fertilizer by Lars Bergmann, Sweden Access
P4.5: Microbial Nutrient Recovery Cell: A Sustainable Solution For Domestic Wastewater Treatment And Nutrient Reclamation by Ayushman Bhattacharya, India Access
P4.6: Electrochemical PH Control To Recover P And K From Swine Manure As K-struvite by Emma Company Masó, Spain Access
P4.7: Practical Perspectives Of Excess Aerobic Granular Sludge Management by Salahaldeen Dababat, Germany Access
P4.8: Study Of Efficiency Of The Carbon-Sorption Treatment Possibility Of Sewage Sludge by Natela Dzebisashvili, Georgia Access
P4.9: Recovery Of Nutrients From Anaerobic Digestates For Ex-situ Hydrogen Biomethanation Of Biogas by Federico Ferrari, Spain Access
P4.10: Can Microalgae Clean Up And Fuel Our Future? Optimizing Industrial Wastewater Treatment For Multifaceted Resource Recovery by Md Abul Hasanath, India Access
P4.11: Nutrient Recovery From Sludge Liquor For Hydroponics With MBR And Electrodialysis: Lab-Scale Results To Early Pilot Insights by Anna Hofmann, Germany
P4.12: Comparative Life Cycle Assessment For Evaluation Of Sludge Management Alternatives In Developing Countries by Djurdja Kerkez, Serbia Access
P4.13: Enhancement Of Methane Production At The WWTP: Comparison Of Mid-temperature Alkaline Pretreated Anaerobic Digestion And Temperature-phased Anaerobic Digestion Of Waste Activated Sludge by Małgorzata Komorowska-Kaufman, Poland Access
P4.14: Robust Magnetic Vivianite Recovery From Digested Sewage Sludge: Evaluating Resilience To Sludge Dry Matter And Particle Size Variations by Ha Nguyen, Netherlands Access
P4.15: Nutrient Loading From Sewage Sludge Drying — Vapor Condensate Quality And AOB Inhibition by Johannes Reiter, Germany Access
P4.16: Study On Treatment Of Wastewater With High Concentration Salt Using Acclimated Activated Sludge by Iwahito Takahashi, Japan Access
P4.17: “Humic Substances” Measurement In Sludge Dissolved Organic Matter: A Critical Assessment Of Current Methods by Keke Xiao, China Access
P4.18: Exploring Biodegradation Of Micropollutants In Aerobic Activated Sludge by Young Kim, Korea, Republic of Access
P4.19: Investigating The Effect Of C/N Ratio On Power Generation And Heterotrophic Anodic Denitrification Performance Of The Microbial Fuel Cell by Ayushman Bhattacharya, India Access
P4.20: Mordenite And HZSM-5 Zeolites Employment In The Catalytic Pyrolysis Of Municipal Sewage Sludge Towards The In-situ H₂S Removal From Syngas by Vincenzo Pelagalli, Italy Access
P4.21: Large-scale Demonstration For Wet-chemical Phosphorus Recovery From Sewage Sludge Ash In Bottrop (Germany) by Hanna Evers, Germany Access
P4.22: Advancing Circularity In Jordan Refugee Camps Through Sustainable Wastewater And Sludge Management by Frauke Goldmann, Germany Access
P4.23: Simple, Cost-effective And Efficient Desulphurisation Of Digester Gas By Micro-aeration by Christoph Kormann, Germany Access
P4.24: Valorisation Of Carbon Into Biopolymers: A Feasibility Study Of Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Production From Activated Sludge by Amanda Vierwind, Netherlands Access
P4.25: Recovery Of Metal Phosphates From The Tertiary Treatment Of Wastewater by Sini Reuna, Finland Access
P4.26 Coal-based Anode To Improve The Efficiency Of Sediments-Microbial Carbon-capture Cell by Santosh Kumar, IndiaAccess
P4.27 LUCAS Technology Growing Granular Sludge With Brewery WW Under Different Feeding Strategies by Michel Caluwe, Belgium Access

SESSION 5: Advancements in Desalination
P5.1: Prolonged Stability of Capacitive Deionization For Drinking Water Softening: Control Of Desorption Modes by Shu-Ju Chao, Chinese Taipei Access
P5.2: Evaluation Of TDS Removal Performance Of Pilot-Scale Membrane Capacitive Deionization System by Changseog Oh, Republic of South Korea Access
P5.3: Study On TDS Removal Using Pilot-scale Membrane Capacitive Deionization (MCDI) With Circulation Process by Bokjin Lee, Republic of South Korea Access

SESSION 6: Innovative Processes
P6.1: Synthesis, Characterization, Optimization, And Application Of CuWO4@TiO2 Nanoadsorbent For The Removal Of Antibiotic From Aqueous Solution by Obaid Alharbi, Saudi Arabia Access
P6.2: Regulation Of Lumen Air Pressure In Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactors For Enhanced Aquaculture Wastewater Treatment by Sungwoo Bae, Singapore Access
P6.3: A Novel Catalytic Oxidation Process Employing Peroxymonosulfate Activation In A Fixed Bed Catalyst Filter by Emil Bein, Germany Access
P6.4: Treatment Of High-loaded And Partially Biologically Inhibiting Wastewater From Bioethanol Production by Tobias Blach, Germany Access
P6.5: DIO3S — A Bromate-free Solution To Remove Micropollutants by Charlotte Bopp, Switzerland Access
P6.6: Biologically Reduced Graphene Oxide Enhances Anaerobic Digestion Improving Methane Production And Pharmaceuticals Removal by Oriol Casabella, Spain Access
P6.7: Effect Of NaCl Concentration In The Abundance Of Ammonium Oxidizing Bacteria And The Structure Of Bacterial Communities In The Mainstream Partial Nitritation Process In A Lab-scale Two-stage Nitritation-anammox System by David Correa-Galeote, Spain Access
P6.8: Reusable And Magnetically Harvestable Nanocomposite Adsorbents For Advanced Phosphorus Removal And Recovery From Wastewater Effluents: Pilot Scale Application And Ecotoxicity Screening Of Their Environmental Safety by Asya Drenkova-Tuhtan, Estonia Access
P6.9: Aerobic Sludge Granulation, Conversion, And Phosphate Removal Using Sugar Substrates by Ali Elahinik, Netherlands Access
P6.10: Surface-programmed Microbiome Assembly In Phycosphere To Microplastics Contamination by Xuan Fan, China Access
P6.11: Harvesting Solutions: Optimizing Biological Phosphate And Nitrogen Removal In An SBR Cycle For Potato Processing Wastewater Treatment by Dorothee Göttert, Belgium Access
P6.12: Reduction Of Bromate Formation During Wastewater Ozonation by Kevin Fabian Guerrero Granados, Germany Access
P6.13: Feasibility Of Water Recycling At A Household Level Using An Advanced Small-scale Multi-barrier Treatment System by Sayani Halder, Japan Access
P6.14: The Effect Of Beads With Different Densities On Membrane Fouling Control Under Varying Injection Concentration And Aeration Intensity by Dongyeon Kim, Korea, Republic of Access
P6.15: Innovative Membrane-based Process Concepts For Energy-efficient Salt And Water Recovery From Industrial (Waste) Brines by Christine Kleffner, Germany Access
P6.16: Use Of Online ATP Analysis To Demonstrate Greater Log Reduction Values (LRV) For Potable Reuse by Dan Kroll, United States Access
P6.17: Barite And Calcite Production And Water Recovery From The Co-treatment Of Flue Gas Desulfurized Effluent And Shale Gas Produced Water by Lian-Shin Lin, United States Access
P6.18: Power-to-X (PtX) For Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs): Scheduling Control Over Plant-wide Model Wind-PtX-BSM2 by Qipeng Liu, Denmark Access
P6.19: Do Microalgae And Larger Granule Really Impact On Pollutant Removal In Algae-bacterial Consortium System? by Talita Marinho, Brazil Access
P6.20 Evaluation Of Metabolic Activities Of Microalgae And Heterotrophic Bacteria On Aerobic Photogranule Biomass by Talita Marinho, Brazil Access
P6.21: Anammox Granular Enhancing Formation By Adding Biochar (Making From Bagasse) At Different Carbonization Temperatures by Pongsak (Lek) Noophan, Thailand Access
P6.22: Partial Nitritation Of Municipal Wastewater At Demonstration Scale (AQUELAN®) by Alba Pedrouso, Spain Access
P6.23: Planning And Implementation Of An Advanced Wastewater Treatment Stage At WWTP Dortmund-Deusen With Integrated Aeration For The Removal Of Organic Micropollutants From Wastewater And Oxygen Enrichment To The Water Body by Linh-Con Phan, Germany Access
P6.24: Consumption Mechanism Of Denitrifying Microorganisms With Elemental Sulfur As An Electron Donor: Microbial Impacts Induced By Coagulants by Minsu Pyo, Korea, Republic of Access
P6.25: Sustainable Fuel Powerhouses: Electrochemical-Biological Systems With Wastewater And CO2-rich Off Gases by Ramineh Rad, Germany Access
P6.26: A Technological Approach To Reduce Contaminants Of Emerging Concern (CECs) In A Segregated Wastewater Treatment System by Matías Rivadulla, Spain Access
P6.27: AnMBR-Based Resource Recovery In Urban Sanitation: Integrating Food Waste Into The Wastewater Stream by Frank Rogalla, Spain Access
P6.28: Compact Packed Bed Biofilm Reactor For Efficient Nitrification In Recirculating Aquaculture System by Saquib Sarosh, India Access
P6.29: Reaching Densification Of Activated Sludge: Settleability And Performances In SBR Technology by Thibaut Saur, France Access
P6.30: Influencing Biogas Synthesis-rate Of Laundry Wastewater By Hydrodynamic Cavitation by Andreas Schmid, Germany Access
P6.31: Coupling Dark Fermentation And Membrane Separation Methods To Extract Organic Acids From The Solids Stream Of Municipal Wastewater At Pilot-scale: A Sustainable Approach Towards Establishing A Biorefinery by Nikhil Shylaja Prakash, Germany Access
P6.32: Mechanistic Modelling To Pave The Way For Photo-Fenton Applications In Advanced Wastewater Treatment Practice by Irene Slavik, Germany Access
P6.33: Reactor Designs With Improved Mixing To Increase Photocatalytic Degradation Of Organic Trace Substances In Wastewater by Julia Wolters, GermanyAccess
P6.34: Identifying Biodegradation Pathways Of Cetrimonium Bromide (CTAB) Using Metagenome, Metatranscriptome, And Metabolome Tri-omics Integration by Chenwei Zheng, USA Access
P6.35: Regulating Flow To Maximize Riverine Nitrogen Removal By Riparian Zones Downstream Of Reservoirs by Dongsheng Liu, China Access
P6.36: Full-scale Assessment Of Micropollutants Removal With Powdered Activated Carbon In Aerobic Granular Sludge Nereda Reactor by Sigrid Scherrenberg, Netherlands Access
P6.37: Removal Of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients From Wastewater From A Pharma Production And Formulation Site by Willem Huisman, Switzerland Access
P6.38: Long-term Operation Of An Electro-Stimulated Anaerobic Reactor (ELSAR®) On Brewery Wastewater by Frank Rogalla, Spain Access
P6.39: Gravimetric Selection Of Activated Sludge With InDENSE Hydrocyclones For Improved Sludge Settling Performance; A Case Study At A Full-scale Dutch Municipal WWTP by Amanda Vierwind, Netherlands Access
P6.40: Mitigation Of Eutrophication Caused By Treated Effluent Discharge Using Electrocoagulation by Abdul Rahim Al Umairi, Oman Access
P6.41: Potential Of Hydrogen Production In A Microbial Electrolysis Cell From Vinasses by Marcelo Antunes Nolasco, Brazil Access
P6.42: Pilot-scale Performance And Benchmarking Study Of Aquaporin Inside® CLEAR Series Low Energy BWRO Membranes by Khung Le, Denmark Access
P6.43: The Hidden Potential Clarified — Adaptative Inlet Systems For Secondary Clarifiers In The Case Study Of The Dresden WWTP by Johannes Hilsdorf, Germany Access
P6.44 A Simple Bioelectrochemical Approach For Ammonia Recovery From Municipal Wastewater Respectively Anaerobic Sludge Liquor by Jürgen Heinrichmeier, Germany Access
P6.45 BIOPAQ RISE Introduces Innovative External Separators For High Rate Anaerobic Waste Water Treatment by Jaap Vogelaar, Netherlands Access
P6.46 Impact Of A Hybrid MBR Process On Downstream Ozonation To Further Purify Wastewater by Maximilian Werner, Germany Access
P6.47 Technologies And Concepts For Water Reuse — Perspectives For Current And Future Challenges Access
P6.48 Comparing Practical Performance Of Conventional Anaerobic sludge Digestion With Innovative Plug-flow Digestion technology Access

SESSION 7: Micro-Contaminant Monitoring and Removal
P7.1: Advanced Oxidation Of Isophorone And Isophorone Diamine By Ozone: The Role Of Ozone And Hydroxyl Radical by Anam Asghar, Germany Access
P7.2: Piloting And Modeling Of Bioactive Granular Activated Carbon Filters For Water Reuse: Influence Of Backwashing On The Removal Of (Trace) Organics by Benedikt Aumeier, Germany Access
P7.3: Groundwater Vulnerability And Risk Of Hydrocarbons Point Sources Using Geographical Information System For Kano Metropolis, North-Western Nigeria by Zaharatu Babika, United Kingdom Access
P7.4: Enhancing Antibiotic Oxidation Performance With Innovative Visible-Light Z-Scheme Photocatalysis by Zahra Beiramzadeh, SingaporeAccess
P7.5: Removal Of Emerging Contaminants In Biological Wastewater Treatment And Selection Of Bacteria From Activated Sludge by Estefania Campero, Mexico Access
P7.6: Oxidative Treatment Of Contaminated Groundwater By Sustained Activation Of Persulfate Using Silica-Coated Nanosized Zero-Valent Iron by Jae Young Choi, Korea, Republic of Access
P7.7: Stabilization Of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds Using Alkali Activated Rice Husk Biochar: Impact, Bioavailability And Bioaccumulation by Inseong Hwang, Korea, Republic of Access
P7.8: Combination Of Two Disinfection Methods For Micropollutants Removal by Tatjana Karpova, Finland Access
P7.9: Rapid Simple Analysis Of Harmful Algae Bloom Toxins Via Waveguide Enabled ELISA by Dan Kroll, United States Access
P7.10: Improving PFAS Removal Efficiency: A Hybrid Approach Of Granular Activated Carbon Filtration And Anion Exchange For More Sustainable Drinking Water Treatment by Lukas Lesmeister, Germany Access
P7.11: The Identification, Quantification Of Dichlorine Monoxide In High Chloride-containing Wastewaters And Its Application In Micropollutant Abatement by Chuanjing Lin, Hong Kong, China Access
P7.12: Optimized GAC Reactor As A 2-in-1 Solution For Micropollutants And Particles Removal From Biologically Treated Wastewater by Romain Mailler, France Access
P7.13: Degradation Of Imidazolium-based Ionic Liquids By UV Photolysis And Pulsed Corona Discharge: The Effect Of Persulfates Addition by Dmitri Nikitin, Estonia Access
P7.14: Antimicrobial Resistance To Penicillin G In India And Its Photocatalytic Degradation by Ayush Ransingh, India Access
P7.15: Thermal Stabilization Of Wastewater Samples To Enable Comparative Laboratory Tests For Design Of Micropollutant Removal Processes by Fabio Ringhof, Germany Access
P7.16: Anaerobic Biodegradation Of Ciprofloxacin: Transformation Products And Lessons From Proteomics by Matías Rivadulla, Spain Access
P7.17: Microplastics Analysis And Decontamination Strategy In Canal De Isabel II by Lydia Saez Garcia, Spain Access
P7.18: Robust Particle Concentration Measurement – The Solution For Real-time Sewer Control by Thorsten Schmitz, Germany Access
P7.19: Innovative And Versatile Solution To Remove Contaminants Of Emerging Concern In Water Treatment Systems by Aina Soler Jofra, Spain Access
P7.20: Sustainable Removal Of Perfluorobutane Sulfonate (PFBS) Via Biologically Enhanced Pyrolysis Biochar by Hanlu Yan, China Access
P7.21: Influence Of The Wastewater Quality On The Nutrient Removal And Algal Growth Of Chlorella Vulgaris by Hussein Znad, Australia Access
P7.22: Microalgae-microbial Fuel Cell (m-MFC): An Integrated Process For Removal Of Pharmaceuticals In Sewage And Simultaneous Bio-electricity Generation by Ayushman Bhattacharya, India Access
P7.23: Innovative Control Strategies For Advanced Water Treatment By Ozonation by Achim Ried, Germany Access
P7.24: The Removal Performance Of Antimicrobial Resistance By An Ultrafiltration Membrane: Does The Selection Of Target Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Make A Difference? by Shelesh Agrawal, Germany Access
P7.25: 3D-Printed TiO2 Electrode As A Viable Alternative For Photoelectrocatalytic Purification Of Water by Gustavo Corte Tedesco, Australia Access
P7.26: Reusable And Inductively Regenerable Magnetic Activated Carbon For Removal Of Organic Micropollutants From Secondary Wastewater Effluents by Asya Drenkova-Tuhtan, Estonia Access
P7.27: Sequential Managed Aquifer Recharge Technology For Non-potable Reuse Of Water Contaminated By Run-off From Informal Settlements by Pascal Finkbeiner, Germany Access
P7.28: Development Of Arsenic Removal Filter Using Electrocoagulation And Granular Sand Bed by Somaparna Ghosh, India Access
P7.29: Photolytic Ozonation As Promising Alternative AOP Using UV-LEDs by Philipp Sperle, Germany Access
P7.30: Manganese Oxide Functionalised Graphene Sponges For The Electrochemical Water Treatment And Disinfection by Anna Segues Codina, Spain Access
P7.31: Risk-based Human Exposure Assessment Of Chemicals In The Circular Economy by Veronika Zhiteneva, Germany Access

Session 8: Closing the Water Loop
P8.1: A Systematic Analysis Of CO2 Capture From Water At Varying Salinities By Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis (BPMED) by Mehran Aliaskari, Germany Access
P8.2: Closing The Water Cycle: Embracing Efficiency And Innovations by Linda Bortey, Ghana Access
P8.3: Advancing Carbon Accounting Methods In The Water And Wastewater Sector by Anna Christy, United Kingdom Access
P8.4: Risk-based Online Monitoring Approach Of Microbiological Water Quality Parameters For The Surveillance Of Water Reuse Applications Along The Water Cycle by Achim Gahr, Germany Access
P8.5: An Interactive Three Topic Approach To Addressing Water Challenges In Treating Wastewater In The 21st Century by Maaike Hoekstra, Netherlands Access
P8.6: Modeling Denitrification In A Pilot-scale Biofiltration Reactor Treating Nitrate-enriched Groundwater by Cornelius Kappelhoff, Germany Access
P8.7: Development Of An Innovative Autonomous Technology For Sustainable Sediment Management At Reservoirs With Integrated Reduction Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (MinGAS) by Corina Lied, Germany Access
P8.8: Urban Oasis: Safe Water Reuse With Zeolite-Containing Lava Sand In Vertical-Flow Constructed Wetlands by Johanna Walther, Germany Access
P8.9: FSTP++: Integrating Rainwater And Solar Energy In Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants In Bangladesh by Md Zarif Oeishik, Bangladesh Access
P8.10: An In Silico, High Resolution Assessment Of Water Production And Reuse At House Level Driven By On Site Electricity Production by Seppe Ongena, Belgium Access
P8.11: Transforming WWTP Into Biofactories: The Alicante Living Lab Case Study by Eric Santos-Clotas, Spain Access
P8.12: Membrane Contactors’ Contribution To Water Treatment Efficiency As Well As Mitigation Of Climate Change Impacts by Norbert Selzer, Germany Access
P8.13: Challenges For Implementing The Principles Of Water Wise Cities: The Case Of The Lageado Watershed, São Paulo|SP, Brazil by Harold Horn, Brazil Access
P8.14: Study On Ecological And Environmental Risks Of Reclaimed Water Replenishment In A City Lake by Qian Sun, China Access
P8.15: Integrated Climate-resilient Water And Sanitation Safety Planning In Southern Africa: Baseline For Developing A Holistic Approach by Tanja Vollmer, Germany Access
P8.16: A Closed-Loop Forward-Reverse Osmosis System Integrated With Bypass Electrooxidation In The Draw Solution For Potable Reuse by Adel Tayara, Hong Kong Access
P8.17: Hydrogen Production From Biological Treated Wastewater: Potential, Synergies And Challenges by Jan Singer, Germany Access
P8.18: Stormwater As High-Quality Product: Smart And Modular Treatment Of Stormwater In “City Water Hubs” by Greta Hadler, Germany Access
P8.19: Water Reuse In The Dairy Industry: Transforming Whey Vapour Into High-Quality Water by Andreas Nocker, Germany Access
P8.20: Adsorption Of Soluble Microbial Products (SMP) On Powdered Activated Carbon by Larissa Graß, Germany Access
P8.21: Practical Experience With Online E. Coli Measurement To Derive Training Data Set For Microbial Water Quality Model by Veronika Zhiteneva, Germany Access
P8.22: Ozonation And UV Disinfection: Utilizing Synergies Between Micropollutant Removal And Water Reuse by Achim Reid, Germany Access
P8.23: Combining Online Sensors With Process Understanding For Safe On-site Water Reuse by Eva Reynaert, Switzerland Access
P8.24: Long-term Resilience And Biodiversity Of Endangered Water Bodies Through Minimally Invasive Soil Treatment by Cordula Jäger, Germany Access
